My Journey...

Out of Breast Cancer and into the New Old World of Crafting

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Welcome to the Yarn Wyrkz Blog...

Well this is the first time I have really attempted to blog...So we'll see how it goes.
I am hoping to showcase all of the wonderful crochet work I have been doing lately. I started crocheting about 10 years ago, making a random afghan here and there.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2006 I decided to crochet myself a chemo cap. Well that turned into a half dozen chemo caps and multiplied from there. It was something that I could do while I was hooked up to that damn IV getting poisoned. I was finally declared NED (no evidence of disease) On May 26th of 2007 and decided that I should do something productive with my newly revitalized crochet skills.

After doing a bit of research I discovered a wonderful place called where I could put my crochet items up for sale. I decided to make a business of it and started crocheting like mad. I didn't stop with hats, but moved into handbags (which I had made three of already, one for myself and two for friends) baskets, clothing and more. here is the link to my store

So you will see a lot of photos of my latest creations here as well as whatever other random stuff comes into my head at any given moment. I hope you enjoy..,.